Our dad, Phil Becker, was the barber in Garden Plain for more than 50 years. His first shop was across the street, where Halagains is now. He would cut hair in the little room up front while Mom would tend bar. In 1963, Dad built this building, which housed Phil's Barber Shop until he died in 2010.
We spent so many of our formative years "helping" Dad in the barbershop (if you can call answering the phone, sweeping the floors, and filling the pop machine "helping"), when it came time to repurpose the space, we wanted to honor him by borrowing his name and the barber pole. Even though he wasn't much of a drinker (he didn't have time), Dad did have an impressive liquor cabinet. We hope that he'd be proud of this store... and of us.
Welcome to Phil's. In this iteration, the waiting times have been greatly reduced.
–The Becker Girls–
We offer many programs, discounts, and services. If we don't have listed something you need, just ask! (That goes for what we carry on our shelves, too. So many of our products are special requests. And that's the way we like it.)
Join our frequent buyer club, and every time you shop with us, you'll earn points, which translates into reward cash to use on future purchases. Earn double points Monday through Thursday.
Hey. We get it. Whether it's for time or money, sometimes it's easier just to buy the whole case. Our case discount for wine is 20% and we offer a 15% case discount for spirits.
While cases of wine are always 20% off, come in on Wednesdays and any regularly priced wine is 20% off. (Plus you earn double points that day.)
Have an event where you need to keep a lot of people happy? We can order in beer, wine, and spirits for the big day. And we'll even throw in a discount.
We have a wholesale license, which allows us to wholesale alcohol to on premises licensees (bars and restaurants) & temporary permit holders. Let us know if we can help you out.
Sometimes it's nice to try before you buy. We offer occasional tastings of wine & spirits, and offer discounts on tasting days. Watch our social or e-newsletter for upcoming tastings.
11 am to 9 pm - Monday through Thursday
9 am to 11 pm - Friday and Saturday
closed - Sunday
Want to say hello? Want to know more about us? Want to tell us what you like to drink? Give us a call or drop us an email, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Or better yet, subscribe to our weekly newsletter for information about sales & specials, weekly tastings, recipes & whatnot. In your inbox every Sunday.
(316) 500-1500
430 North Main Street
Garden Plain, Kansas 67020